Electricity charging/discharging device with insulation package enclose member having electrode plate pair with multiple-sided electric conductive terminals
- Priority:2014/06/20
- Grant:2017/11/08
H01M50/553 (inventive)
H01M50/55 (inventive)
H01M50/548 (inventive)
H01M50/211 (inventive)
H01M50/178 (inventive)
H01M50/176 (inventive)
H01M50/136 (inventive)
H01M50/131 (inventive)
H01M50/105 (inventive)
H01M50/50 (inventive)
H01M50/209 (inventive)
H01M50/124 (inventive)
H01M50/119 (inventive)
H01M50/103 (inventive)
H01M10/0585 (inventive)
H01M10/052 (inventive)
H01M50/529 (inventive)
H01M50/50 (inventive, first)
H01G11/72 (inventive)
H01M10/0585 (inventive, first)
H01M10/058 (inventive, first)
H01G11/52 (inventive)
H01G11/74 (inventive)
H01G11/70 (inventive)
H01G11/82 (inventive)
H01G11/76 (inventive)
H01G11/80 (inventive)
H01M50/136 (inventive)
H01M50/548 (inventive)
H01M50/131 (inventive)
H01M50/209 (inventive)
H01M50/176 (inventive)
H01M50/178 (inventive)
H01M50/105 (inventive)
H01M50/211 (inventive)
H01M50/124 (inventive)
H01M50/103 (inventive)
H01M50/553 (inventive)
H01M50/55 (inventive)
H01M50/119 (inventive)
- EP-2958164-B1
- RU-2490755-C1
- EP-2849247-B1
- KR-101629499-B1
- KR-101730576-B1
- KR-20200043402-A
- US-9935299-B2
- KR-20180026946-A
- KR-20150007354-A
- US-2014255757-A1
- US-10122008-B2
- US-10014117-B2
- KR-101921730-B1
- JP-2019061830-A
- US-9659715-B2
- US-9911963-B2
- US-2021344049-A1
- US-9406968-B2
- KR-20160049826-A
- KR-20130001873-A
- KR-101777448-B1
- KR-20180129216-A
- KR-20200092672-A
- WO-2015115928-A1
- Google PatentsLICENSE"Google Patents Research Data" by Google, based on data provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services and OntoChem, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
- PubChem