Contact PubChem
Please do not contact us to purchase any chemicals.
PubChem does not sell any chemicals, because it is a chemical information resource, not a chemical vendor.
As an information resource, PubChem does provide a list of chemical vendors for a given chemical (when available). For example, the vendor list for ethanol (CID 702) can be found in the "Chemical Vendors" section of its Compound Summary page:
Note that the order of chemical vendors on the list is randomized and that PubChem does not endorse any of the vendors.
If you need to purchase a chemical, please search PubChem for that chemical, get the list of chemical vendors from its Compound Summary page, and contact individual vendor(s) on that list.
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National Center for Biotechnology Information
U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894