Flame-proof light fitting
European Patent Office
- Priority:1987/08/25
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent EP-0304812-A3. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.
[Translated] 1. Explosion-proof or fireproof light.n n n 2.1 An explosion or fireproof luminairenhas a lamp holder for a twonpin base fluorescent lamp (13) and a reasonnframe (10) to which the lamp holder is attached.n n n 2.2 To improve and simplify assembly benthe lamp socket sits at least one socketnCarrier (11) arranged on a housing elementninside of which a terminal device (31,n32, 33) is housed. The housing element isnslidably guided between two positions, andnin one position the pins become out of orderngripped and in the other position the pins in onnreached with her clamp device.n n n 2.3 The lamp is in explosion or firedampnhazardous area.n n n 3. Significant figure: Figure 5
European Patent Office
- BR-8804286-A
- DE-3728316-A1
- EP-0304812-A2
- EP-0304812-A3
F21V25/04 (inventive)
F21V25/04 (inventive, first)
- GB-1145297-A (A) (SEA)
- DE-3402376-A1 (AD) (SEA)
- GB-2160029-A (A) (SEA)
- GB-2170363-A (A) (SEA)
- DE-3263836-D1
- EP-0290162-A3
- GB-8820350-D0
- GR-3007150-T3
- US-D306773-S
- US-D355038-S
- AU-556405-B2
- EP-0304812-A3
- US-D319513-S
- EP-0821400-A3
- US-D297322-S
- DE-8310715-U1
- US-D284793-S
- US-D280345-S
- DE-19721340-A1
- US-D298794-S
- US-D285357-S
- EP-0922904-B1
- US-D316311-S
- EP-1347234-B1
- US-D275948-S
- US-D253309-S
- US-D275949-S
- US-D307001-S
- US-D268615-S
- Google PatentsLICENSE"Google Patents Research Data" by Google, based on data provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services and OntoChem, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
- PubChem