European Patent Office
- Priority:1981/03/23
- Grant:1985/02/13
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent EP-0061223-B1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.
1. A pigment for anticorrosive paints on basis of alkyd resins, epoxy ester resins, phenolic resins, polyurethanes, polyvinyl resins, expoxy resin, silicone resins, bonding agents of methyl silicate, bonding agents of alkali silicate, drying oils, chlorinated rubber or cyclized rubber characterized in that said pigments consists of mixture containing 45 to 63%-by weight of one or more of the metallic oxide pigments ferric oxid, titanium oxide or chrome green and 17 to 26%-by weight of zinc and 19 to 28%-by weight of one or more of the fillers inert small-plated pigments, microtalc, slat, zinc and/or the chemically inactive grained pigments heavy spar and fine sands having a grain size of 0.5 to 3.5 mu m.
European Patent Office
C09D17/00 (inventive)
C09D5/10 (inventive)
C09D5/08 (inventive)
C09D5/084 (inventive, first)
C09D5/106 (inventive)
DE-10001437-A1 (SEA)
- US-4098749-A
- DE-60320630-T2
- DE-69109496-T2
- DE-2716588-C3
- EP-0028290-B1
- DE-2352130-B2
- DE-3780705-T2
- DE-99949226-T1
- EP-0061223-B1
- US-3954482-A
- DE-3223411-C2
- DE-2714138-C3
- DE-3605526-C2
- EP-0011223-B1
- DE-2400962-C2
- US-4620873-A
- DE-4341659-A1
- DE-3232755-A1
- WO-9607705-A1
- DE-1519208-C3
- EP-1290097-B1
- DE-3704479-A1
- KR-800001190-B1
- DE-947202-C
- DE-19712642-A1
- Google PatentsLICENSE"Google Patents Research Data" by Google, based on data provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services and OntoChem, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
- PubChem