Amplified antibiotic and antitumor agents
European Patent Office
- Priority:1980/06/24
- Grant:1984/11/07
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent EP-0055716-B1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.
The antibacterial and antitumor activity of certain specific members of the groups of compounds known as phleomycin, bleomycin and tallysomycin are amplified by administration in association with caffeine, dimethylthiocyanine or pyronine Y. The invention makes the active compounds effective at very low concentrations thereby avoiding the deleterious side effects normally associated with these compounds. The active compounds according to the present invention which show particularly advantageous characteristics when amplified as described above are those in which the phleomycin, bleomycin or tallysomycin is in an amide form having a substituent amine group selected from the following:
European Patent Office
A61K31/35 (inventive, first)
A61K31/52 (inventive)
A61K31/70 (inventive)
C07K9/00 (inventive)
A61K31/70 (inventive, first)
C07K9/003 (inventive)
CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, VOL: 82, No. 11, March 17, 1975, page 78, column 2, abstract no. 68750t, Columbus, Ohio, US, A.M. ANGYAL et al.: "Purines as amplifiers of the antibiotic activity of phleomycin against Escherichia coli B." (EXA)
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