Process and device for the continuous casting of metals by one or several lines
European Patent Office
- Priority:1978/06/01
- Grant:1982/12/08
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent EP-0005820-B1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.
1. A method for the continuous casting of metal in singlestrand or multi-strand installations wherein the metal, especially steel, is poured from a casting vessel (2) through a casting tube (4) into at least one oscillating mould (1) having a closed-off gas-filled cavity (5) which is located above the bath level (6) in the mould and is under pressure and into which inert gas is introduced during casting and is then separated off upwardly into the atmosphere in the form of bubbles flowing in the direction opposite to that of the metal flowing into the casting tube, characterized in that, by means of a constant inflow of gas, the gas pressure in the cavity is held constantly and automatically at a value equal to the static pressure of the column of metal, irrespective of the height of the column of metal above the bath level in the mould.
European Patent Office
G05D7/00 (inventive)
B22D11/16 (inventive)
B22D11/11 (inventive)
B22D11/106 (inventive)
B22D11/10 (inventive, first)
B22D11/14 (inventive)
B22D11/18 (inventive)
B22D11/18 (inventive, first)
B22D11/147 (inventive)
B22D11/11 (inventive)
B22D11/106 (inventive)
FR-2022841-A1 (EXA)
- EP-0352356-A1 (A) (SEA)
- EP-0943380-A1 (A) (SEA)
- EP-0035675-B2
- EP-0005820-B1
- DE-1252854-B
- DE-19512209-C1
- EP-0043987-A1
- EP-0107068-A1
- DE-3850464-T2
- DE-1458133-A1
- DE-2707774-A1
- DE-3524372-C2
- DE-4426705-C1
- EP-2480356-B1
- EP-0234491-A2
- DE-3136847-C1
- DE-2811546-A1
- DE-2935840-A1
- DE-2830840-B2
- DE-69217521-T2
- DE-19706151-C2
- DE-2219818-A1
- DE-19922829-A1
- DE-2735421-A1
- DE-860244-C
- DE-2830523-C2
- DE-19936227-A1
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- PubChem