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Cd93 - CD93 molecule (Norway rat)

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Please note that currently there is no data available in PubChem associated with Cd93 - CD93 molecule (Norway rat). However, annotations from external sources are available.
Predicted to enable complement component C1q complex binding activity and signaling receptor activity. Predicted to be involved in angiogenesis and cell-cell adhesion. Predicted to be located in cell surface; cytoplasmic vesicle; and plasma membrane. Orthologous to human CD93 (CD93 molecule).

1 Names and Identifiers

1.1 Synonyms

  • C1qRp
  • C1qr1
  • Ly68
  • complement component C1q receptor
  • C1q/MBL/SPA receptor
  • C1qR(p)
  • CD93 antigen
  • cell surface antigen AA4
  • complement component 1 q subcomponent receptor 1
  • lymphocyte antigen 68

1.2 Other Identifiers

1.2.1 Ensembl ID

1.2.2 Alliance Gene ID

1.2.3 RGD ID

1.2.4 Wikidata

3 Proteins

3.1 Protein Function

Cell surface receptor that plays a role in various physiological processes including inflammation, phagocytosis, and cell adhesion. Plays a role in phagocytosis and enhances the uptake of apoptotic cells and immune complexes by acting as a receptor for defense collagens including surfactant protein A/SFTPA1, C1q, and mannose-binding lectin (MBL2). Plays a role in the regulation of endothelial cell function and adhesion by activating angiogenesis. Mechanistically, exerts its angiogenic function by associating with beta-dystroglycan, leading to SRC-dependent phosphorylation and subsequent recruitment of CBL. In turn, CBL provides a docking site for downstream signaling components, such as CRKL to enhance cell migration. Participates in angiogenesis also by acting as a receptor for the ECM pan-endothelial glycoprotein multimerin-2/MMRN2 and IGFBP7 ligands. Both ligands play a non-redundant role in CD93-mediated endothelial cell function (By similarity). Acts as a key regulator of endothelial barrier function through modulating VEGFR2 function (By similarity).

3.2 Protein 3D Structures

3.2.1 AlphaFold Structures

Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold. Nature. 2021 Aug;596(7873):583-589. DOI:10.1038/s41586-021-03819-2. PMID:34265844; PMCID:PMC8371605

3.3 Protein Targets

4 Literature

4.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Literature

4.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Literature

4.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Literature

5 Patents

5.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Patents

5.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Patents

5.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Patents

6 Information Sources

  1. NCBI Gene
    NCBI Website and Data Usage Policies and Disclaimers
  2. PubChem
  3. Alliance of Genome Resources
    All annotations and data produced by Alliance members that are accessible from are distributed under a CC BY 4.0 license (
  4. Rat Genome Database (RGD)
    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0)
  5. UniProt
    We have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0, License to all copyrightable parts of our databases.
  6. Wikidata
  7. AlphaFold DB
    All of the data provided is freely available for both academic and commercial use under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) licence terms.