Record Dates
Each PubChem record has multiple dates associated with it. Most dates correspond to key events associated with a record, such as when it was added or modified. They do not guarantee the precise moments, for example, when data becomes publicly available. [There may be a lag of a day or more before data is publicly accessible. In addition, the findability of a record may lag even further as some search systems are updated on a weekly basis.] Please note that PubChem allows contributed substances and bioassays to be held back from public access by the data contributor. This ‘Hold-Until’ mechanism enables the contributor to obtain record identifiers and to time data release (such as to coincide with a publication). Below is a description of dates associated with PubChem BioAssay, Compound, and Substance records.
Dates related to our derived, aggregated structure records
Create Date: Date when the Compound record was created.
Modify Date: Date when the Compound record was last modified.
Dates related to data source-provided Substance records
Deposit Date: Date when the Substance record was deposited by the data contributor.
Modify Date: Date when the Substance record was modified by the data contributor. A Substance record may be modified multiple times.
Available Date: Date when the Substance record was queued up to go live, either after submission approval or on-hold release. Note that there will be a lag up to a day or more beyond this date before data is publicly accessible. In addition, the findability of a record may lag even further as some search systems are updated on a weekly basis.
Hold-Until Date: Date until which the Substance was kept private and not visible to the public. This date is set by the data contributor when the record is initially deposited.
Dates related to data source-provided BioAssay records
Deposit Date: Date when the BioAssay record was deposited by the data contributor.
Modify Date: Date when the BioAssay record was modified by the data contributor. A BioAssay record may be modified multiple times.
Hold-Until Date: Date until which the BioAssay record was kept private and not visible to the public. This date is set by the data contributor when the record is initially deposited.