EC50; Species: Daphnia magna (
Water flea); Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 2700 ug/L for 48 hr; Effect: intoxication, immobile /formulated product/
Pearson JG et al; In: L.L.Marking and R.A.Kimerle (Eds.), Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment, 2nd Symposium, ASTM STP 667, Philadelphia, PA :284-301 (Author Communication Used) (1979) as cited in the ECOTOX dtabase. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow); Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 1030 ug/L for 96 hr /formulated product/
Pearson JG et al; In: L.L.Marking and R.A.Kimerle (Eds.), Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment, 2nd Symposium, ASTM STP 667, Philadelphia, PA :284-301 (Author Communication Used) (1979) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) size 2.4 cm, weight 0.28 g; Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 1100 ug/L for 96 hr (95% confidence limit: 1000 to 1200 ug/L) /95-99% purity/
Bailey HC, Spanggord RJ; In: W.E.Bishop, R.D.Cardwell, and B.B.Heidolph (Eds.), Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment, 6th Symposium, ASTM STP 802, Philadelphia, PA :98-107 (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) age 20-36 wk, size 29-40 mm, weight 0.64-1.82 g; Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 850 ug/L for 96 hr (95% confidence limit: 520 to 1380 ug/L) />99.9% purity/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech Rep 8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) age 10-13 wk, size 35-40 mm, weight 0.67-0.95 g; Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 520 ug/L for 96 hr (95% confidence limit: 370 to 800 ug/L) /active ingredient/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech Rep 8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Ictalurus punctatus (Channel catfish) age 40-44 wk, size 63-83 mm, weight 1.48-3.59 g; Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 380 ug/L for 96 hr (95% confidence limit: 340 to 430 ug/L) />99.9% purity/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech.Rep.8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) age 28-38 wk, size 63-83 mm, weight 3.98-9.28 g; Conditions: freshwater, flow-through; Concentration: 430 ug/L for 18 days (95% confidence limit: 240 to 730 ug/L) />99.9% purity/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech.Rep.8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) age 28-38 wk, 63-83 mm, weight 3.98-9.28 g; Conditions: freshwater, flow-through; Concentration: 520 ug/L for 10 days (95% confidence limit: 370 to 730 ug/L) />99.9% purity/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech.Rep.8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 p. (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) age 39-112 wk, size 39-43 mm, weight 0.91-1.51 g; Conditions: freshwater, flow-through; Concentration: 460 ug/L (95% confidence limit: 420 to 530 ug/L) for 10 days />99.9% purity/
Van der Schalie WH; Tech.Rep.8305, U.S.Army Medical Bioengineering Research & Development Lab, Frederick, MD: 53 (U.S.NTIS AD-A138408) (1983) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
LC50; Species: Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifer); Conditions: freshwater, static; Concentration: 1400 ug/L for 24 hr (95% confidence limit: 1200 to 1600 ug/L) /formulated product/
Snell TW; Final Report, U.S.Army Medical Research and Development Command, Ft.Detrick, Frederick, MD: 29 (U.S.NTIS AD-A258002) (1991) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of January 30, 2018
EC50; Species: Eisenia fetida (Earthworm) adult; direct application (natural soil- 69.00% sand, 13.00% silt, 17.00% clay, 1.30% organic matter, 95% moisture) 59.1 mg/kg for 56 days (95% confidence interval: 37.0-81.2 mg/kg); Effect: reproduction, progeny counts/number of cocoons
Simini M et al; Edgewood Chem Biol Ctr, Aberdeen Proving Ground MD, Rep No ECBC-TR-467: 47 (2006) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of February 7, 2018
EC50; Species: Eisenia fetida (Earthworm) adult; direct application (natural soil- 69.00% sand, 13.00% silt, 17.00% clay, 1.30% organic matter, 95% moisture) 33.3 mg/kg for 56 days (95% confidence interval: 9.0-57.5 mg/kg); Effect: reproduction, progeny counts/number of juveniles
Simini M et al; Edgewood Chem Biol Ctr, Aberdeen Proving Ground MD, Rep No ECBC-TR-467: 47 (2006) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of February 7, 2018
LC50; Species: Americamysis bahia (Opossum Shrimp) age 4 days, juvenile; Conditions: saltwater, static, 20 °C, pH 7.5-8.0, dissolved
oxygen 70-121% saturated; Concentration: 740 ug/L for 96 hr /> or =99% purity/
Nipper M et al; Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 41 (3): 308-318 (2006) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of February 7, 2018
LC50; Species: Hyalella azteca (Scud) age 10-12 days, juvenile, length 2.1 mm; Conditions: freshwater, renewal, 23 °C, pH 6.5-9.0, dissolved
oxygen > or =6 mg/L; Concentration: 2260 ug/L for 96 hr (95% confidence interval: 1950-2620 ug/L) /98% purity/
Sims JG, Steevens JA; Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 70 (1): 38-46 (2008) as cited in the ECOTOX database. Available from, as of February 7, 2018