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Rad51 - RAD51 recombinase (Norway rat)

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Predicted to enable several functions, including ATP binding activity; DNA binding activity; and catalytic activity, acting on DNA. Involved in several processes, including cellular response to cisplatin; cellular response to gamma radiation; and response to X-ray. Predicted to be located in several cellular components, including chromosome; male germ cell nucleus; and nuclear lumen. Predicted to be part of nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex. Predicted to be active in condensed nuclear chromosome; presynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton; and site of double-strand break. Used to study cardiomyopathy and hypertension. Biomarker of pancreatic cancer. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in Fanconi anemia complementation group R; breast cancer; congenital mirror movement disorder; and ovarian cancer. Orthologous to human RAD51 (RAD51 recombinase).

1 Names and Identifiers

1.1 Synonyms

  • RGD1563603
  • DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1
  • RAD51 homolog

1.1.1 MeSH Entry Terms

RAD51 Protein

1.2 Other Identifiers

1.2.1 Ensembl ID

1.2.2 Alliance Gene ID

1.2.3 RGD ID

1.2.4 Wikidata

3 Interactions and Pathways

3.1 Pathways

4 Expression

5 Literature

5.1 NLM Curated PubMed Citations

5.2 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Literature

5.3 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Literature

5.4 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Literature

6 Patents

6.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Patents

6.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Patents

6.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Patents

7 Classification

7.1 MeSH Tree

8 Information Sources

  1. NCBI Gene
    NCBI Website and Data Usage Policies and Disclaimers
  2. PubChem
  3. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
    Works produced by the U.S. government are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Any such works found on National Library of Medicine (NLM) Web sites may be freely used or reproduced without permission in the U.S.
  4. Alliance of Genome Resources
    All annotations and data produced by Alliance members that are accessible from are distributed under a CC BY 4.0 license (
  5. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
  6. Rat Genome Database (RGD)
    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0)
  7. Wikidata