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CDC73 - cell division cycle 73 (chicken)

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1 Names and Identifiers

1.1 Synonyms

  • parafibromin
  • cell division cycle 73, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog
  • cell division cycle protein 73 homolog

1.2 Other Identifiers

1.2.1 Ensembl ID

1.2.2 Bgee Gene ID

1.2.3 VEuPathDB ID

3 Proteins

3.1 Protein Function

Tumor suppressor probably involved in transcriptional and post-transcriptional control pathways. May be involved in cell cycle progression through the regulation of cyclin D1/PRAD1 expression. Component of the PAF1 complex (PAF1C) which has multiple functions during transcription by RNA polymerase II. PAF1C associates with RNA polymerase II, is involved in transcriptional elongation and in histone modifications including methylation on histone H3 'Lys-4' (H3K4me3) (By similarity).

3.2 Protein Targets

4 Interactions and Pathways

4.1 Interactions

4.2 Pathways

5 Expression

6 Literature

6.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Literature

6.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Literature

6.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Literature

7 Patents

7.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Patents

7.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Patents

7.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Patents

8 Information Sources