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Brca2 - BRCA2, DNA repair associated (Norway rat)

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Enables single-stranded DNA binding activity. Involved in several processes, including homologous chromosome orientation in meiotic metaphase I; response to estradiol; and spermatogenesis. Predicted to be located in several cellular components, including centrosome; chromosome, telomeric region; and nuclear lumen. Predicted to be part of BRCA2-MAGE-D1 complex; DNA repair complex; and nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex. Predicted to be active in nucleus. Used to study atrophy of testis; cancer; cataract; infertility; and osteosarcoma. Biomarker of ductal carcinoma in situ and prostate cancer. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in several diseases, including Fanconi anemia (multiple); esophagus squamous cell carcinoma; hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome; melanoma (multiple); and reproductive organ cancer (multiple). Orthologous to human BRCA2 (BRCA2 DNA repair associated).

1 Names and Identifiers

1.1 Synonyms

  • breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein homolog
  • breast cancer 2, early onset
  • breast cancer 2, mutation 1, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • breast cancer susceptibility protein 2
  • fanconi anemia group D1 protein homolog

1.2 Other Identifiers

1.2.1 Ensembl ID

1.2.2 Alliance Gene ID

1.2.3 RGD ID

1.2.4 Wikidata

3 Proteins

3.1 Protein 3D Structures

3.1.1 NCBI Protein Structures

4 Interactions and Pathways

4.1 Pathways

5 Literature

5.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Literature

5.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Literature

5.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Literature

6 Patents

6.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Patents

6.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Patents

6.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Patents

7 Information Sources