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Pip4k2a - phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type 2 alpha (Norway rat)

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Predicted to enable 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase activity; 1-phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase activity; and protein homodimerization activity. Predicted to be involved in several processes, including 1-phosphatidyl-1D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate biosynthetic process; autophagosome-lysosome fusion; and megakaryocyte development. Predicted to be located in autophagosome; cytosol; and lysosome. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Orthologous to human PIP4K2A (phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type 2 alpha).

1 Names and Identifiers

1.1 Synonyms

  • Pip5k2a
  • phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha
  • 1-phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase 2-alpha
  • 1-phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase A
  • PI(5)P 4-kinase type II alpha
  • PIP4KII-alpha
  • PIPK2 alpha
  • diphosphoinositide kinase 2-alpha
  • phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type II alpha
  • phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type II, alpha
  • phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha-like

1.2 Other Identifiers

1.2.1 Ensembl ID

1.2.2 Alliance Gene ID

1.2.3 Enzyme Commission (EC) Number

1.2.4 RGD ID

1.2.5 Wikidata

3 Proteins

3.1 Protein Function

Catalyzes the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate (PtdIns5P) on the fourth hydroxyl of the myo-inositol ring, to form phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Has both ATP- and GTP-dependent kinase activities. May exert its function by regulating the levels of PtdIns5P, which functions in the cytosol by increasing AKT activity and in the nucleus signals through ING2 (By similarity). May regulate the pool of cytosolic PtdIns5P in response to the activation of tyrosine phosphorylation (PMID: 20204506). Required for lysosome-peroxisome membrane contacts and intracellular cholesterol transport through modulating peroxisomal PtdIns(4,5)P2 level (By similarity). In collaboration with PIP4K2B, has a role in mediating autophagy in times of nutrient stress (By similarity). Required for autophagosome-lysosome fusion and the regulation of cellular lipid metabolism (By similarity). Negatively regulates insulin signaling through a catalytic-independent mechanism. PIP4Ks interact with PIP5Ks and suppress PIP5K-mediated PtdIns(4,5)P2 synthesis and insulin-dependent conversion to PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 (PMID: 21847559). May be involved in thrombopoiesis, and the terminal maturation of megakaryocytes and regulation of their size (By similarity).

3.2 Protein 3D Structures

3.2.1 AlphaFold Structures

Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold. Nature. 2021 Aug;596(7873):583-589. DOI:10.1038/s41586-021-03819-2. PMID:34265844; PMCID:PMC8371605

3.3 Protein Targets

4 Interactions and Pathways

4.1 Interactions

4.2 Pathways

5 Biochemical Reactions

6 Expression

7 Literature

7.1 Consolidated References

7.2 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Literature

7.3 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Literature

7.4 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Literature

8 Patents

8.1 Gene-Chemical Co-Occurrences in Patents

8.2 Gene-Gene Co-Occurrences in Patents

8.3 Gene-Disease Co-Occurrences in Patents

9 Information Sources

  1. NCBI Gene
    NCBI Website and Data Usage Policies and Disclaimers
  2. PubChem
  3. Alliance of Genome Resources
    All annotations and data produced by Alliance members that are accessible from are distributed under a CC BY 4.0 license (
  4. BioGRID
    The MIT License (MIT); Copyright Mike Tyers Lab
  5. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
  6. Rat Genome Database (RGD)
    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0)
  7. UniProt
    We have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0, License to all copyrightable parts of our databases.
  8. Wikidata
  9. AlphaFold DB
    All of the data provided is freely available for both academic and commercial use under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) licence terms.
  10. Rhea - annotated reactions database
    Rhea has chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution License ( This means that you are free to copy, distribute, display and make commercial use of the database in all legislations, provided you credit (cite) Rhea.