Displacement of [3H]flunitrazepam from GABA-A central benzodiazepine receptor of mouse brain (insoluble)
- Deposit:2010-05-20
- Modify:2022-03-18
Journal: Bioorg Med Chem Lett
Year: 1993
Volume: 3
Issue: 10
First Page: 1941
Last Page: 1946
DOI: 10.1016/S0960-894X(01)80991-4
Target ChEMBL ID: CHEMBL2094133
ChEMBL Target Name: GABA-A receptor; anion channel
ChEMBL Target Type: PROTEIN COMPLEX GROUP - Target is a poorly defined protein complex, where subunit composition is unclear (e.g., GABA-A receptor)
Relationship Type: D - Direct protein target assigned
Confidence: Multiple direct protein targets may be assigned
- PubChem
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