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DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary Mouse Bioassay Results

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Please note that the bioassay record (AID 1199) is presented as provided to PubChem by the source(depositor). When possible, links to additional information have been provided by PubChem.

1 Description

The Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) is a unique and widely used international resource of the results of over 6500 chronic, long-term animal cancer tests on over 1500 chemical substances. The CPDB provides easy access to the bioassay literature, with qualitative and quantitative analyses of both positive and negative experiments that have been published over the past 50 years in the general literature and by the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program. The CPDB standardizes the diverse literature of cancer bioassays that vary widely in protocol, histopathological examination and nomenclature, and in the published author's choices of what information to provide in their papers. Results are reported in the CPDB for tests in rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, and nonhuman primates, and are based on the most positive result among all experiments for each sex-species. The DSSTox CPDBAS (all species) file incorporates data from the CPDB Summary Tables for the full list of over 1500 chemical substances tested in at least one species. Summary bioassay results for Mouse (TD50, tumor sites, male, female, both sexes) are provided in the CPDB Summary Tables and the DSSTox CPDBAS file for over 1000 chemical substances.

2 Protocol

TD50 is a standardized quantitative measure of carcinogenic potency (analogous to an LD50) and is reported in the CPDB Summary Table for each species. Activity Score for actives is computed by mapping of LOG10 (1/TD50_Mouse_mmol) activity values spanning range [MIN, MAX] onto Integer 1-100 Activity Score range, where 100 is highest potency and 1 is lowest: Activity Score = 100 * INTEGER[(log10(1/Activity) - MIN)/(MAX # MIN)]. If activity is reported but no TD50_Mouse_mmol value is computed, such as for a mixture, the Activity Score is assigned the activity value "50". Activity Outcome is based on minimal evidence for or against activity: "active" indicates one or more TD50 and tumor site listed for one or more Mouse carcinogenicity sex/species cell (Mouse Male, Mouse Female, Mouse Both); "inactive" indicates no TD50 or tumor site listed AND one or more "no positive results" entry for one or more Mouse carcinogenicity sex/species cell (i.e., one or more experiments are in CPDB, but none are positive); "unspecified" indicates that the only experiments in CPDB were conducted by the NCI/NTP, and the NCI/NTP evaluated the bioassay as inadequate. Activity Score = 0 for "inactive" and "unspecified". Target sites are reported for each sex-species group with a positive result in the CPDB on the basis of a positive author's opinion for the particular site, using all results from both the general literature and NCI/NTP bioassays. If a chemical has two or more target sites listed, the results may be from different experiments, and a single site may be a target organ in more than one experiment, as well. Blank entry in TargetSites field indicates no results reported.

3 Comment

DSSTox CPDBAS: Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB) Summary Tables - All Species"target"_blank

To access complete SD file and documentation, refer to the DSSTox CPDBAS Download Page"target"_blank

For more information and description pertaining to this assay, and for access to the complete CPDB, see the Carcinogenic Potency Database website. For a full listing of Data Plots (from which the CPDB Summary Table was derived) see CPDB Data Plots. For a complete list of references, see CPDB Publications by Topic or CPDB Publications by Year.

4 Result Definitions

5 Data Table

7 Identity

7.1 BioAssay Name

DSSTox (CPDBAS) Carcinogenic Potency Database Summary Mouse Bioassay Results

7.2 Source

7.3 External ID

7.4 Deposit Date


7.5 Modify Date

Version 1.1
Version 1.2
Version 1.3
2008-11-25 (currently shown)

7.6 Status


8 Classification

8.1 CDD Tree

9 Information Sources