Antifungal activity against Diaporthe ampelina infected grape plant assessed as re-isolation of mycelium from infected vines at 1.19 kg a.i./ha treated for weeks in presence of regulaid followed by inoculation on medium measured after 72 hr (Rvb = 62.5%)
PubChem AID
Organism Target
External ID
Tested Substances
Tested Compounds
- Deposit:2014-08-26
- Modify:2018-09-24
Please note that the bioassay record (AID 1087527) is presented as provided to PubChem by the source(depositor). When possible, links to additional information have been provided by PubChem.
Antifungal activity against Diaporthe ampelina infected grape plant assessed as re-isolation of mycelium from infected vines at 1.19 kg a.i./ha treated for weeks in presence of regulaid followed by inoculation on medium measured after 72 hr (Rvb = 62.5%)
Journal: Crop Prot
Year: 2007
Volume: 26
Issue: 9
First Page: 1377
Last Page: 1384
DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2006.11.010
Target ChEMBL ID: CHEMBL2367091
ChEMBL Target Name: Diaporthe ampelina
ChEMBL Target Type: ORGANISM - Target is a complete organism
Relationship Type: N - Non-molecular target assigned
Confidence: Target assigned is non-molecular
Organism Target
Taxonomy Count
Antifungal activity against Diaporthe ampelina infected grape plant assessed as re-isolation of mycelium from infected vines at 1.19 kg a.i./ha treated for weeks in presence of regulaid followed by inoculation on medium measured after 72 hr (Rvb = 62.5%)
Literature, Extracted
Version 1.1
Version 2.1
2018-09-24 (currently shown)
- PubChem
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