Evaluating changes in bonding interactions between inclusions and a thermoplastic matrix
United States
- Priority:2020/02/07
- Grant:2023/09/19
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Assessing an interaction between solid particles and a thermoplastic material in which the solid particles are dispersed includes combining a thermoplastic material with a multiplicity of solid particles to yield a heterogeneous mixture, processing the heterogeneous mixture to yield an unconditioned sample, conditioning the unconditioned sample to yield a conditioned sample, subjecting the conditioned sample to a ramping shear rate from an initial shear rate to a final shear rate, assessing a viscosity of the conditioned sample at a plurality of shear rates between the initial shear rate and the final shear rate, and assessing a value of a slope of a shear-thinning region for the unconditioned sample using a power-law equation.
United States
- US-11761869-B2
- US-2021247285-A1
G01N11/00 (inventive, first)
G01N13/00 (inventive, first)
G01N11/00 (inventive, first)
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- US-2022089487-A1 (APP)
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