Method of identifying an individual with a disorder or efficacy of a treatment of a disorder
United States
- Priority:2012/11/20
- Grant:2018/10/02
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent US-10085688-B2. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.
This invention relates to a method of identifying individuals with neuropsychiatric disorders or to predict and determine the efficacy of treatment of the disorder by acquiring information about visual scanning behavior and fluctuations of visual scanning behavior of individuals comprising presenting to the individual a sequence of visual stimuli, wherein each visual stimulus is comprised of multiple images with specific characteristics, measuring the point-of-gaze of said subject on the visual stimuli and calculating a set of statistical measures that describes the visual scanning behavior of the individual on images or portion of images with the same characteristics; and making a determination of biases in visual scanning behavior of the individual, by comparing the statistical measures of the individual to the statistical measures of controls.
United States
- US-10085688-B2
- US-2014148728-A1
A61B5/00 (inventive, first)
A61B5/11 (inventive)
A61B5/165 (inventive)
A61B5/1104 (inventive)
A61B5/1128 (inventive)
A61B5/4848 (inventive, first)
A61B5/163 (inventive)
G16H50/20 (inventive)
- US-6070098-A (SEA)
- US-2010092929-A1 (SEA)
- US-7938785-B2 (SEA)
- US-2011109879-A1 (SEA)
- US-7959578-B2 (SEA)
- US-2013090562-A1 (SEA)
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