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PUG SOAP With Taverna 2

These examples were created with Taverna 2.1.2. To use them, simply save the files to your local disk and open them with File:Open workflow (or Add Nested Workflow); or copy a URL and use File:Open workflow location. To add the PUG SOAP service, use the "Import new services" button, select "WSDL service," and enter the WSDL URL.

Nested workflows (essentially custom services):

  • Check job status - this is the polling loop: in the details tab for the Status_Check service, select Advanced:Add Looping, and configure so that it loops until "Success" - "is equal to" - "true", and repeat every 10.0 seconds. Note that the Success output from Status_Check will need to be connected to some other service or workflow output.
  • Local file to Base64


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